What a f*cked-up year, right? Last Spring, we published a series of edits to support artists we love and spread a bit of love. By this time, we would have never guessed that we’d be in lockdown again in November. As the situation for artists and music lovers has never been so tough, we are proud of starting this project again !
In this second volume, we'll post 3 tracks edited by artists we are supporting and who accepted to share their latest works with you. We'll provide the tracks and some small interviews so you'll also understand their artistic approach and background.

RFX - Antigone (Edit)

In 2019, we discovered Fauve Radio on Bandcamp, from Hong Kong, thanks to their great ephemeral edits. Now that he has moved back to France, we have met his founder Romain FX (aka RFX) and we are super pleased to welcome him on our channel with a great edit of his own. Romain was kind enough to answer a few of our questions on his work and path in music.

Hello Romain, what’s up? Seems like you’re staying pretty busy at home?

Hi, I’m trying to make the most of the free time on my hand, been working around 3 jobs for 10 years, and now just production so quite a big shift but enjoying it a lot !

Can you tell us something we don’t know about your beginnings as a DJ? How did you become a 12” savvy ? 

When I decided to move to vinyl from digital, I had a residency in an under-underground bar/club (had to go down two flights of stairs) called Le Boudoir in Hong Kong, I saved money for 1 year, bought two turntables, a medium size collection of disco and forced myself to start to play a 4hours vinyl set there every Thursday bringing every week my two techniques and a 100 records (I can let you imagine bringing that back up those stairs at 6AM drunk haha).
Word of advice, if you don’t know how to do something put yourself in a position where you have to do it and you’ll learn it very fast.

We see a lot of similarities between what you’re doing as Fauve Records and our work at MTT. How did you come focusing on edits? What do you think of the current scene and the future of white labels?
I first started doing edits for my DJ sets mainly as I felt some tracks needed a little push to reach its full potential on newer sound systems. Then when I got more into digging, I discovered “Discogs Sharks”, people that put exorbitant prices for hard to find records, and I remember the frustration of finding a track that I fell in love with and not be able to play it because the record was 300+Euros. So I decided to make it my mission to make these tracks available to the main crowd and spent all the money I was earning at the time, to find those rare records. I would then edit them to my taste so I could make them cheaper and more accessible for the average joe.
I believe that if the system was actually in line with today’s technologie there would be a website available that would make it easier and cheaper for anyone who would want to pay the rights to do an edit or a rework and and money could easily go to the copyright holders without 5 middlemen and years of back-and-forth emails. I think this could help the music world and push creativity instead of living in this mafia runned copyright mutli-nationnals who don’t really care about the creativity side of music.
Having lived in China for a bit, I was first attracted to your work when you released Canto Club edits. Can you tell us how you find the material for your work and what’s your creative process once you found it?
Oh, these are very long hours of digging for 7 years in attics with a mask and gloves and mostly a lot of ear bleeds because 95% are horrible balades. What I love about cantonese music is this very crazy and specific to Hong Kong panning effects on drums around mid 80’s early 90’s. It’s whacked, which is what I love the most, but of course a lot of the tracks have very cheesy choruses and guitar solos, so I usually take them out in the edit and then add elements most of the times kind of like a rework and a lot of EQing.
Can you tell us a bit about this edit you made ?
This one I have to give full credit to my newest & bestest of friend Patxi (one half of Sheitan Brother) from Lyon. We met in Lyon when I went there this summer to discover the city and do my debut at Nova Radio. Thanks to Pablo Valentino we were introduced and also met up with Tom (ATW), Pims (other half of Sheitan Brothers) and since then we talk regularly and exchange music all the time, but that day we first met, he showed me this track and I fell in love instantly. So I made an edit of it the next day, to be able to play it on Nova exclusively as an homage to Patxi and to freeze this beautiful new friendship in time.
Thank you Romain and see you soon (hopefully) !

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